10 Methods of Spiritual Grounding

10 Methods of Spiritual Grounding

Grounding is an excellent way to improve your energy or spirituality.  A lack of grounding is much like a leaf floating endlessly in the air.  When you learn how to ground yourself, you create a solid foundation that help you weather any storm in your life.  Spiritual grounding connects your body with the earth and facilitates physical and emotional balance and strength.  It helps ensure you remain present.  We have compiled a list of ten suggestions on how to practice grounding.  Select the ones that speak most to your spirit.

  1. Diet: What you choose to eat or drink can bring you closer to the earth.  By consuming healthy and minimally processed foods, you will feel stronger physically and feel more connect to nature or the growing cycle.
  2. Get Outside: Surrounding yourself in nature is a wonderful way to ground.  Deliberately disconnect from technology or anything distracting.  It doesn’t matter how you choose to engage with nature, find time to quietly reflect and if possible, journal.
  3. Exercise: Moving your physical body helps moves your energy in beneficial ways and can reset your whole being.  You can choose any activity from pilates or yoga to swimming or running, to weight training or cardio, physical movement creates positive vibrations and teaches you about you relate to the world around you.
  4. Name and Claim it: Grounding can help identify underlying issues in our life that can be causing us distress.  Bravely face the emotions and thoughts that will arise in the stillness.  Work to overcome the fear or anxiety, by address the issue head on and if needed enlist the aid of a professional like a healer, therapist, or guru.
  5. Garden: Plants help promote positive energy and centering as we work with them from seed to harvest.  Care for each plant and interact with them as often as possible.
  6. Identify Red Flags: There are signs that can alert you to the risk of ungrounded.  Some signs can physical like dizziness, shakiness, irregular heartbeat, or desire for unhealthy foods.  Other signals can pertain to your mental wellbeing like lethargy, forgetfulness, or wandering mind.  Regularly check yourself for these signs to reground yourself.
  7. Salt Bath: Natural salts can be restorative and recentering.  Take a warm bath filled with the salt of your choice.  As you soak, let yourself relax and circulate positivity within your being.  This can also help you get rid of negativity and you can envision low vibrations going down the drain after your bath.
  8. Mediate: Use grounding meditations to reconnect yourself to the earth and encourage mindfulness.  As your grow your meditation practice your will more quickly be able to ground yourself.
  9. Crystals: Crystals and stones are tangible pieces of the earth.  Selections like Red Jasper, Blue Kyanite, or Bloodstone is especially helpful.  Keeps them close to your body by either jewelry or in a shirt/pants pocket.
  10. Eat Chocolate: Raw, organic chocolate is a fun way to reconnect both physically and spiritually to the earth.  In the pure forms, chocolate helps aligns one’s physical and mental state and encourages being present to the moment.